Sofwave ultrasound for skin tightening


Sofwave is a FDA cleared, non-invasive, skin-tightening device that utilizes breakthrough ultrasound technology to revitalize the skin by addressing mild to modest skin laxity through the stimulation of new collagen production.

It can be used to lift and tighten skin on the face, eyebrow, neck, and jawline, as well as reducing fine lines and wrinkles. No downtime, no swelling, and it has a built-in mechanism to cool skin as it is being treated.

Physicians Laser and Dermatology is one of the first practices in Chicago to offer Sofwave.

Sofwave uses a Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam (SUPERB) technology with 7 high frequency beams to deliver energy at a 1.5mm mid-dermis depth while protecting the underlying structures.  The emitted sound waves are converted to heat, causing the treatment zones to stimulate a healing response. As a result, collagen in the skin will be replenished, which may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as create a smoother and tighter skin complexion.  Sofwave technology specifically targets the depth where collagen is the most abundant. The dermal tissue heating induces collagen production and remodeling. This combination results in reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as tightening of the skin. A cooling mechanism is used to increase comfort and provide optimal epidermal protection. The treatment may be safe and effective for all skin types.


·         Eyebrow Lift

·       Eyelid Lift

·         Cheek, forehead and midface tightening

·         Skin laxity

·         Jawline, submental and jowl tightening

·         Neck lift and neck tightening


Sofwave is an ultrasound treatment for men and women who are looking for skin tightening of the face and neck. The device is non-invasive and is safe to use on all skin tones and types, including darker skin. Sofwave treatments are well tolerated by most patients. We offer a variety of analgesics offered to our patients to ensure comfort during the procedure.


After a thorough consultation, a treatment plan is established. The procedure takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes depending on areas being treated. Ultrasound energy is delivered to the targeted area with an integrated cooling mechanism to protect the epidermis and increase comfort. There is no downtime following the procedure. Patients start seeing results within 6-8 weeks. Results may take up to three months as your body continues to build collagen. Most patients only require one treatment, but a second treatment can be performed for additional results after three months.


Sofwave is ideal for mild to moderate skin laxity in the face and neck. The device is non-invasive and is safe to use on all skin tones and types, including darker skin. Sofwave treatments are well tolerated by most patients.


There is no downtime post procedure. You may resume normal activities after the treatment is completed.

Schedule a consultation by calling our office at 312-280-0890 for a thorough skin analysis and treatment plan.


Jordan, W., et al. (2021). Efficacy and Safety of High-Intensity, High Frequency, Parallel Ultrasound Beams for Fine Lines and Wrinkles. Dermatologic Surgery, 47(12): 1585-89.
Sofwave. (2021). What is Sofwave? Retrieved from